Policies and regulations
Types of maintenance offered to customers
Maintenance: set of actions necessary to start up a service and keep it within its prescribed operating values.
Corrective Maintenance: Maintenance performed after a fail has been detected and intended to return the item to a state where it can perform a required function.
Preventive maintenance: maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed criteria, intended to reduce the probability of failure or degradation of the performance of an item.
Complaints and claims resolution procedures
RE&COM will guarantee the efficient and free attention of the claims that the users present due to deterioration in the quality of the service, undue charges, violation of the privacy and rights of the end user.
Procedure for Claims Attention..
Claims may be filed by the end user or by anyone, without necessarily being the aggrieved by the fact that is claimed.
The claim must be submitted directly to RE&COMwho must resolve it within a maximum period of ten (10) calendar days. RE&COM will notify the user of the reference number given to the claim made (consecutive service code), so that the user is aware of their claim and can follow up on the process. The presentation of claims will not require the preparation of a formal document or the intervention of a lawyer, and they may be presented by any of the means previously indicated.
Por su parte, RE&COM will prepare a file with the corresponding data of the claim (qualities of the user, characteristics of the service provided, history of breakdowns, details of the claims, solutions raised and others).
In the event of a negative or insufficient resolution or the absence of resolution by the operator or provider, the claimant may go to Sutel.
Type of delivery of terminal equipment to provide service
The client can choose between two options:
Own Equipment: in this case, the CLIENT can provide equipment of his own. The equipment will be previously reviewed and approved by RE&COM and its technical characteristics will be indicated on the Cover
Subsidy Option: in this case, RE&COM will provide equipment to the CLIENT, after signing a minimum permanence contract, where the contracting parties are obliged to respect and maintain the conditions originally agreed in exchange for the user receiving a real, quantifiable benefit. and proportional to the period that is obliged to maintain the relationship with RE&COMfor which the client undertakes to (i) conserve and care for the equipment received, for which at the recommendation of RE&COMthey must purchase a voltage regulator at their own expense, since if the equipment suffers any physical or logical damage due to electric shocks, the CLIENT will assume the costs of the damage caused to the equipment; (ii) immediately report and collaborate with RE&COM in the solution of any incident that involved at the equipment provided by RE&COM. Once the minimum stay period has expired, the equipment will become the property of the Client, however, the client may terminate the contract before the end of the term, paying RE&COM the full amount of the subsidized equipment.
Compensations and reimbursement
RE&COM has the duty to provide the contracted Services efficiently and continuously and apply compensation and reimbursements in the event of degradation or interruption of the service, except in cases that are considered exempt from liability according to current regulations. For the purposes of compensation for interruptions, RE&COM will count the interruption time of the Services from the moment in which the interruption occurs until the moment in which the Services are completely restored and return to their normal operating condition. The calculation of the compensation will be carried out as follows, according to what is established in the Regulation of Provision and Quality of Services.

Contact to RE&COM for complaints, claims or any contractual incident:
Customer Service Center:
Toll Free: 800 REYCOMCR ( 800-73926627 )
Office phone: (506) 2771-1916.
Email: servicioalcliente@reycom.cr.
Office location: San José, Pérez Zeledón, San Isidro de El General, Barrio San Andrés.